Now You can update Your application
Some new functions are available:
training computer (counter)
training chart
added counter of calories burnt and posibility of managing weight from the mobile app
Below some screenshots
Training computer
This panel presents general parameters of Your activity. Three of the tiles "Avg. 5 Speed", "Avg. Speed" i "Max. Speed" can be parametrized by just "clicking" / "touching".Current settings are saved automatically.
This panel presents a chart of the last 1km of the training You can see the average speed and so called average 5 speed which is the average of last 5 measurements (about 50 meters).
This panel (only for logged in users) allows to enter Your weight which then will be used at computer panel for displaying current calories burnt. The weight is saved and synchronized with the server.
Now it's available an update for Windows Phone application (WP7 oraz WP8).
In the latest version many changes and improvements has been done, ex:
incrased stability
new functionality - achievements preview (list & details) from Windows Phone device (not only WWW)
new functionality - statistics preview
new functionality -photo adding during the training
Bolowe some pictures:
Achievements list
Statistics list
Statistics details
Photo adding during the training
Soon there will be new updates available, ex most wanted posibility of the recurring training competiting at the same track - with online monitoring of the training parameters and comparing them to the best one for the same track.
Please update Your application. I'm waitng for Your comments and proposals